21st February, 2020

Creating Sustainable Community Parks

Parks provide a reprieve from the ever-increasing development of cities by incorporating elements of nature in the form of plants and wildlife. However, for all their good appearances, parks are still man-made and can adversely affect the environment. They can disrupt habitats and push out some species of plants that can’t survive in the new setting. Visitors and structures might contribute to more waste down the line as well. With that said, here are some points to consider for creating sustainable community parks.

Keep Things Natural in a Sustainable Community Park

Instead of sweeping an area clean and trying to fit it into a picture-perfect idea of a park, it is easier on the environment if you keep things natural. This can mean utilizing plants, bushes, and trees that live in the area already rather than varieties that are exotic to it. Opt for wildflowers and native plants rather than introducing new species that may not thrive in your area, or might become invasive. You may also decrease the amount of grass you plant in favor of those native plants. An abundance of grass is most likely not in line with the natural habitat of the animals living there. In the end, the park shouldn’t look completely different from how the area appeared before any work was done on it.

Provide Recycling Receptacles

People might litter or throw everything in the trash when at the park. But you can help to promote greater environmental awareness by placing recycling receptacles around the grounds. While the average citizen might not see what goes into designing the park in a conscientious way, recycling bins will remind them up front of the importance of recycling materials rather than simply tossing them into ever-growing landfills.

Build With Eco-Friendly Materials

Every park needs benches and tables for people. The materials you choose to construct these with present another opportunity to make the park more eco-friendly as a whole. Instead of using wood, which requires chemical treatment and may not last as long when subjected to rain, moisture, and insects, materials like metal and plastic lumber are better options. Metal can be recycled later, and plastic lumber is made of recycled products, including milk jugs and laundry detergent bottles.

If you want to use plastic lumber in your park, contact Tangent Materials today. Our plastic lumber for furniture is perfect for a variety of applications, including outdoor seating and tables.