news-type Marine
Marine | Structural
Plastic Lumber – Treat Yourself to Higher Quality Products for Marine Projects
For inland waters, docks, decking and every other in-water construction operation check out Bedford’s SelectForce ® and FiberForce ® product lines, which have textured surface finishes and come in a variety of colors.
Marine | Structural
4 Common Questions About Plastic Lumber Decking
Despite its popularity, many potential customers still question plastic lumber decking. We answer a few questions and more in this helpful guide.
Marine | Structural
Why Is Plastic a Greener Option for Marine Piling?
Plastic isn’t usually the first choice for eco-friendly materials. But when it comes to marine piling, plastic may be the greener option. Read on to learn why.
A Quick Overview of Marine-Treated Lumber
Marine treatment is essential for making wood water safe. Here’s our quick overview of marine-treated lumber and why synthetic alternatives are the way to go.
Everything You Should Know About Dry Docks
You’re more than likely already acquainted with regular docks. They come in many shapes and sizes to allow people to securely stop boats that are large or small right next to land. Without them, it would be difficult to enter and exit a ship, as well as move cargo onto and off of one. Docks […]
Marine | Residential | Structural
Considerations for Floating Boat Dock Design
Many times, we think of the ability to float as a characteristic reserved solely for moving vessels in the water or small objects. But you can also design dock structures that float on top of the water’s surface instead of setting them firmly into the ground. This style of dock can be advantageous because it […]