14th December, 2021

3 Ways To Save Your City Money by Using Plastic Timber

There’s a lot of responsibility to managing a city. After all, urban administrators are in charge of hundreds of thousands of residents, water accessibility, sewage, trash and recycling, and many more utilities that keep the area clean and hospitable. City planners may not realize that building materials help reduce these overhead costs. Here are three ways to save your city money by using plastic timber.

Less Maintenance

One of the best reasons to use plastic lumber in cities is that it requires less maintenance than traditional wood or other materials. Whereas natural wood succumbs to weather, insect infestations, wood-rot and wear, plastic timber rarely does. In fact, the high-strength polymers within high-density polyethylene that make up the plastic timber have excellent weather-resistant, moisture-resistant and bug-resistant properties. That saves municipal workers much time, energy, and resources from maintaining playgrounds or other service areas.

Widespread Versatility

Plastic lumber offers widespread versatility that’s not found in other materials. Plastic timber is an excellent building material for residential, commercial, and structural applications. Whether used in apartment complexes, outdoor playgrounds, bridge pier protection, fencing or retaining walls, plastic timber is a superior material. City contractors will find that plastic timber retains the aesthetic of natural wood with significantly more strength, durability and resilience. It doesn’t matter if it’s used for indoor or outdoor applications, plastic timber is the ultimate solution for urban amenities.

Easy Installation and Customization

Another way to save your city money by using plastic timber relates to the fact that it’s fully customizable for your city planning. As a green product, plastic timber reduces sustainability concerns. Whereas many cities in the United States today are considered “concrete jungles,” plastic timber retains a natural finish that cuts, builds, and feels like wood. That increases aesthetics and reduces the need for concrete or other unappealing building materials. More tenants will seek out this look, thus raising the overall impact of urbanization across the country. Not to mention that plastic timber is easy to install. With the myriad of products available, construction crews will have no issue erecting durable, aesthetically pleasing urban amenities that save money for the city.

Any city contractor looking to save money with plastic lumber should look no further. Tangent Materials sells plastic retaining walls that are perfect for any urban environment. These retaining walls are perfect for parks and recreation areas in your city. They require no additional maintenance, painting, or staining. The HDPE composite also stands up against harsh weather conditions, moisture and insect infestations, so you never need to worry about replacements. These retaining walls control water flow and landscape drainage and add a valuable aesthetic property. Call now to learn more about our structural HDPE recycled plastic materials and how they’ll help your city reduce spending costs.